WJLY will be holding its annual Fall Festival during our Share From Our Hearts on October 14, 2023 from 11:30am till 3:00pm. We are looking for craft and art vendors as well as demonstrators who would like to come and be a part of the day. We have hundreds of people attend our Fall Festival. Vendors of any types of handmade items or foods are welcome. We ask that no yard sale or flea market type of products be included.The suggested donation for booth space this year is $25 to help us with expenses. If your sales are strong enough to support more, we would appreciate a donation. We ask no donation from Christian Ministry families or groups.
To sign up for a booth, please fill out the form above. You may also call the station. Our number is (618) 423-2082. NO SET UP BEFORE 9AM. Come as early as you want to set up after 9am. Sites are given first come first serve on Saturday morning.You will need to bring your own table, chairs, and display shelves. When you arrive, you may pull up to the craft fair site to unload, but we ask you to then please park in the regular lot. If you commit to coming and then find out you need to cancel, we ask that you notify us so that we can tell another vendor who carries your same type of craft.For questions or more information, please contact Dick Wheeler.
Phone: (618) 423-2082 or (618) 292-3602
Email: wjly@frontiernet.net
PO BOX 456
RAMSEY, IL 62080
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